Tommy Atkins
Tommy Atkins mango is mildly sweet flavoured and is medium to large with oval or oblong shape. Originally from Florida with primary sourced countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. It’s texture is firm due to fibers throughout the fruit. A dark red blush often covers much of the fruit with green and orange-yellow accents.

Kents mango is very sweet and rich in flavour. It’s large and oval in shape. Kents are ideal mangoes for juicing and drying. These mangoes also originate from Florida with primary sourced countries like Mexico, Ecuador and Peru. The fruit is juicy and has a tender flesh with limited fibers. Dark green of colour and often has a dark red blush over a small portion of the mango.

Keitts are popular in Asian cultures, where they are enjoyed in its mature-green stage or even as pickles. The flavour is sweet and fruity. It’s large and oval in shape. Keitts has primary sourced countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Puerto Rico